The Center
for Public Sector AI

CPSAI is a nonpartisan, non-profit organization that aligns government leaders and partners to minimize the potential risks associated with Al while maximizing the transformative opportunities it presents. Our mission is to equip government leaders with the tools, knowledge, and expertise they need to make thoughtful decisions about where and how to deploy AI and other emerging technologies to address their most pressing service delivery challenges.


Estimated social worker shortage in America


Projected increase in US population by 2030


Government leaders who believe technology will become more important in supporting the human services workforce.

Our Purpose

CPSAI firmly believes that, if managed carefully and prudently, emerging technology like generative AI can significantly improve government agencies' ability to serve the public.

The nation's Health and Human Services leaders are facing big challenges, from increasing need in their communities to aging technology systems and structural workforce shortages. At the same time, they are being asked to make decisions about how and when to leverage tools like genAI to address these challenges without the resources and expertise they need to do so effectively. Even as some states have taken early steps to bring AI thought leadership onto their teams, they are still facing significant internal technical capacity gaps that will take time and support to fill.

The Center for Public Sector AI brings public and private sector experts together to address these critical gaps in the short term and build government capacity in the long term. In partnership with government leaders, we are working to ensure that the adoption of emerging technology in the public sector is thoughtful, effective, and ultimately transformative for the communities it serves.

True North Principles for the Center for Public Sector Al


This technology and CPSAI will evolve over time, alongside the leaders' understanding of the opportunities and risks.


Cross-state and cross-sector collaboration are critical to driving the exploration and shared learnings necessary for the responsible adoption of AI and other emerging technologies.


Caution & patience are necessary when experimenting with technologies that leverage sensitive data and impact people's ability to access & receive government services.


Breaking down silos and creating shared frameworks for decision-making will make it possible for the government to maximize the positive impact of these technologies while mitigating harm.


The most effective way to explore AI is to center the pain points and priorities of the humans who use and access these systems.


Recognizing that significant uncertainty exists concerning AI's potential disruption risk, CPSAI helps mitigate that uncertainty by elevating and empowering the workforce and proactively navigating concerns and opportunities through partnerships and collaborative efforts.

Meet Our Team


picture of Justin Brown

Justin Brown

Launch CEO

picture of Cassandra Madison

Cassandra Madison

Launch COO

picture of Ashley Marker

Ashley Marker

Content Director

picture of Kirsten Tillett

Kirsten Tillett

Program Manager

picture of Luke Williams

Luke Williams

Director of Research